Generally speaking, a poker hand contains five cards. Each hand contains one card from the deck, and then one or two cards from the table. The hand can be a straight, a flush, or a full house. A hand can also be a pair or a bluff.
A straight is when a player has five cards in consecutive order of the same suit. A flush is when a player has five cards in sequential order of different suits. A full house is when a player has a pair and a three of a kind. A four of a kind is when a player has four Aces.
The three-card brag is a gentleman’s game from the early American Revolution. It is a simple game where players reveal their hand to the dealer in a round-robin style. It is a game that is still popular today in the U.K.
The ante is a mandatory contribution to the pot. It is usually a small bet, but it is the “buy-in” to play the round. In most games, the ante is determined by the table.
The best hand is a “trip” of sevens, or the best possible hand in the given moment. A bluff is the act of making a bet with the hope that other players will call it. During a round, all but one player folds. The player who folds is the last to act.
The pot is the aggregate of all bets made in a round. The pot can be won by making the best poker hand, or by betting the highest amount.