The Basics of Poker


Poker is a card game in which players wager chips on their hands. Each player is dealt a hand of five cards, and the best hand wins the pot.

There are many different poker variants. The main rules and betting methods vary among them.

The standard deck of 52 cards, sometimes with the addition of one or two jokers, is used. In most games, the dealer deals one pack to each player and then shuffles them for the next deal.

In most variants, the first deal is followed by a series of betting intervals that may include several rounds. The betting intervals end when the bets are equalized or when a player folds.

A betting round begins with an initial bet made by one player, and the remaining players must call or match that bet. If no opponents choose to match the bet, the hand ends immediately.

The best poker hand is a royal flush, which contains a 10, Jack, Queen, King, and Ace of the same suit (all clubs, diamonds, hearts or spades). It can only be tied but not beaten by the straight flush of another suit.

In addition, a hand of 3 of a kind (which means you have three cards of the same rank and two unmatched ones) beats a pair. A full house (a hand consisting of three of a kind and a pair) beats a flush, and any other hand with more than five cards of the same suit is considered a straight.